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Start with the end in mind


VIDEO 1: One of Best Goals in World Cup Soccer History(Check the video section below)

Debrief: The goal that you just watched was a great one because it came after 26 passes between the team members. Now imagine watching a football match between two highly skilled teams. There is only one small change in the rules - there will be no goal post! How will the match play out? Will it be exciting to watch? All the dribbling, running, tackling and passing will all go in waste. There is no goal post to aim for!

Lesson Point 1: Need for setting goals
  • So, what about our life? Is there is a need for a goal? Yes, we do. A goal is the object of a person's ambition or effort; it is the aim or desired result. It is something that we look forward to achieving, something that motivates us to move forward.

  • So why do we need goals? There is an increasing tendency among the younger generation to live life for today without thinking much about tomorrow. ‘Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you may die’ seems to be their mantra! But without clear goals in life, all our daily routines, hard work and resources will be aimless and useless. Our parents, our society and our nation spend a lot of resources on our development and if we do not have a clear aim in life, all this will go in vain. So, goal posts are not just for football, we need them for our lives too.

Lesson Point 2: Plan your goals
  • We need to plan and set goals for all the aspects of our lives. Here are some of the areas you can set goals for.

    • Relational: More than anything else in life, it is relationships that matter. Think about all the relationships that are important in your life right now like parents, siblings, teachers, friends etc. Are you a good son/daughter, a good grandchild, a good student, a good friend? Where can you improve? Make a plan.

    • Social: We must be confident in our interactions with others too. If you are an introvert who likes to be alone always, set a goal to make new friends. Another fear among teenagers is the fear of public speaking. If that is your fear, work on that by setting a goal.

    • Physical: Being physically fit is quite a challenge in today’s busy culture. Set a goal to be fit either by regular exercise or controlling your diet. Pick up a sport or a jogging routine in the morning to achieve this.

    • Academic: The main objective of being in school is to gain knowledge. Set goals for yourself in academics. If you are weak in any subject, plan ahead and put in extra effort. Take help, work in groups or anything else that will help you overcome this hurdle.

    • Spiritual: Being in a right relationship with God is the starting point of setting right everything else. Set a goal for your personal spiritual walk with God. Take help from a senior in this matter.

    • Skills: Teenage is a great time to pick up new skills. Discover your interest and choose to master it. Work on skills like painting or music or pick up a sport or learn a new musical instrument or get trained in singing or read books and participate in debates. Make a plan to learn new skills.

· To make a goal or dream a reality, we need to first filter our goals. The next thing is to check if our goals are smart. Let’s watch this video and find out:

VIDEO 2: How to Set SMART Goals | Goal Setting for Students(Check the video section below)


Ask the students to write down one or two goals each in the following areas - Relational/Social/Spiritual/Skills/Physical/Academic. Once they have done it, ask these questions to themselves and filter their goals:

· Are they S.M.A.R.T?(Worksheet Provided)

After you have made goals in various area and you have filtered them, make short- and long-term goals. Short term goals are the ones you can start working immediately. Long term goals are ones that will be fulfilled only a period of time after completing all the short-term goals. For example: If you dream to be a professional tennis player, the short-term goal will be to find a coach and start practicing for 2-3 hours a day. A long-term goal can be to play at the district or state level.

Lesson Point 3: Work towards the goal
  • Break down your goal into smaller steps. This will help you move ahead towards your goal in a practical manner. For example: If you want to be a good badminton player, break down the goals into small steps like these:

Buy the sports equipment

Find a training spot/coach

Dedicate time daily for practice

Fine tune technique using expert advice

Participate in local tournaments

  • It is good to have goals but sooner or later our motivation to achieve it will fade. As time passes, other things will occupy our attention and we may even forget our goals all together. It is important that we become accountable in this matter. Share your goals and plans with someone senior to you and ask them to remind you periodically about your plans. They must ask you questions about your progress. They can also share insights based on their experiences. Accountability is the only way to stay motivated.

  • Monitor your progress periodically. Have a fixed time frame for reviews. For example, if your goal is to learn a musical instrument, check your progress every three months. See how many hours you are able to practice daily. Get feedback from your teachers or peers about your progress.

  • Celebrate even the small successes in your goals. Remember that achieving a goal is a journey. There will be victories and setbacks. Learn to celebrate your small victories, as it will keep you excited to move ahead. Share your small successes with your accountability partner or someone who loves to see you progress.

  • Do not quit! It is easy to withdraw from you goal saying it is too difficult. Stay the course. Finish the task you set out to do. There will be greater challenges ahead in life. It is your perseverance in achieving your small goals that will give you the confidence to face the mighty mountains ahead in your life.

VIDEO 3: Stephen Curry - Success is Not an Accident (2015 NBA MVP) (Check the video section below)

Debrief: Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have for tomorrow? Explain to the students that it is motivation that gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.




VIDEO 1: One of Best Goals in World Cup Soccer History

VIDEO 2: How to Set SMART Goals | Goal Setting for Students

VIDEO 3: Stephen Curry - Success is Not an Accident (2015 NBA MVP)

(Teachers if want more understanding of the Video you can use this link : )


Click here to download the worksheet




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