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What Schools Said About Us...

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Little Angels' School

"The team has been doing a very good job in moulding our students who come from various backgrounds. They have been inculcating good values as being patient, honest, anger management and in improving the academic performance. They also train the students in the right attitude towards opposite sex, Mutual respect & respecting elders. Work sheets are also given to students which enable the students to analyse their personal problems. Counselling students by the team has made positive changes in them."

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Emmanuel Sugnana Jyothi High School

"The Life Skill and Character Development classes conducted for classes IV std to IX std was good and appreciable. These classes have molded some good character and also imbibed most important moral values in our children and also made our student GOD fearing and Obedient."

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St.John's High School

"The team has done a remarkable job in moulding the students who have come from different backgrounds. They have helped in inculcating great values such as being truthful, controlling anger, improving concentration, time - management and inculcating right attitude towards the opposite sex, and respect for the elders. The students were also taught to abstain from bad habits and behaviour such as gossiping, cheating, lying, stealing etc. Work sheets were given to students to enable them to express honestly their personal opinions. At the end of the session, there was remarkable change in the students."

What Students Said About Us...

Ebenezer Marcus School, Chennai

  • “This is very impressive seminar and useful too. We enjoyed a lot. I think I should go on with my life according to the seminar.”

  • “I really enjoyed this seminar not that it consumed my classes but it really helped me a lot in my studies. I was an average student and I was wondering how I will pass 12th class. This seminar really helped me. Please go to different places and do the same for students who suffer like me."

  • "I have heard a lot of seminars. But this one is the best. I used to make a schedule and study but it never worked. Your tips really helped me in making a schedule.”

Little Angels School, Bangalore

  • “All topics were interesting, topic on setting and achieving goals, how to be specific, how to learn and answer big questions, tips for exam preparation, time management; how to become an effective listener, how games and songs can help in studying better.”

  • “I have decided to read and learn with whole heart, set a time table, help my parents in doing work, set up goals in my life.”

  • "I have decided to study and give it more importance than other things, keep a time table; from today’s learning’s.”

  • I have decided to make and follow a timetable and achieve my goal; to have a proper goal and work on it; to study bit by bit every day.”

What students said
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